[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Julian Milenbach Freedom By Julian Milenbach I write what I describe as very short surreal stories. Bizarre things tend to happen in my stories, occurrences that are probably outside of the norm of most of our usual realities. In one of them naked men, with their heads placed just above the ankle rather than on top of their necks, congregate around a pool and have a party. In another, new meaning is given to the phrase "DeliCATessen." In one that I’m sure Pat Buchannan and others would surely find indecent if not obscene, Jesus Christ is revealed as a time traveler from the future who violates the laws of his society in order to visit humans two millennia ago and try to save us from ourselves. In the story, Christ is exposed as an outlaw and a failure and ultimately is put to death for his crimes against human society. A few of my stories would probably be described as pornographic though I tend to be private about these and not share them with many people. I take great pleasure in these stories. I don’t write them to offend anyone though I’m sure that some people would find some of them offensive. I have a job that is very quantitative and analytical and working on my fiction helps me to feel creative. It has been incredible to watch the explosion of the internet and the web over the last couple of years. The pace of change is amazing and attempting to understand what it all means and how it will impact our lives is an ongoing process. One wonderful implication of course is the ability for almost anyone to become a self publisher. I intend to set up a page and publish my stories over the web. I’m waiting until I feel that my current collection, "Visions of Reality" is complete before I do so. I hope that people will read my stories and tell me what they like and dislike about them. I hope that my stories will make people think about their realities and their values. On the second page of the collection, I wrote, "There are many realities in the universe. The secret of life is to understand a few in addition to your own." I hope that someone will e-mail me and say, "Wow, I write stories like these too and I never knew that anyone else did." And I hope that I’ll be able to read that persons slightly bizarre, potentially indecent, and perhaps obscene-to-some stories on his or her home page. Today, it’s indecency that’s illegal on the net. Tomorrow, will it be the political, sociological, or religious ideas in my stories that are illegal? To me, the internet and the web are about communication. They’re a new way of making connections, finding information, making friends, being exposed to ideas that might be different from your own and might even be scary. This is our freedom. We must fight for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]